Really enjoyed these posts now that I've watched all three extended cuts of the movies! Wow! I'm still humming the music constantly. I almost wish I hadn't opened up this can of worms because I have so many books to read but I think I may have to revisit the novels sometime this year. I was way too young to really take in everything at 12. My Catholic faith (even when I strayed from it) has really influenced my own fiction so much more than I'd realized. I'm glad it was sort of subconsciously though or the danger would have been that my stories would have been too heavy-handed. I don't love a lot of "Christian" literature or movies when they're labeled as such. Tolkien and Lewis get it just right in my humble opinion. Happy New Year!
Thanks for sharing! I love that Bonhoeffer quote- that our hope comes from something outside ourselves.
Really enjoyed these posts now that I've watched all three extended cuts of the movies! Wow! I'm still humming the music constantly. I almost wish I hadn't opened up this can of worms because I have so many books to read but I think I may have to revisit the novels sometime this year. I was way too young to really take in everything at 12. My Catholic faith (even when I strayed from it) has really influenced my own fiction so much more than I'd realized. I'm glad it was sort of subconsciously though or the danger would have been that my stories would have been too heavy-handed. I don't love a lot of "Christian" literature or movies when they're labeled as such. Tolkien and Lewis get it just right in my humble opinion. Happy New Year!
Thanks for the shout-out! Very much enjoyed this series 😊 Merry Christmas!