Gosh, what a lovely post Katie - thanks so much for exploring good art and good stories, and for being a generally wonderful, inspiring person. I really enjoyed working with you, and hope we will again one day. You are a very talented and perceptive interviewer as well as a fab writer, and I'd love to see some of your experiences making their way into a future book. Wishing you and your family all the very best for the next stage of your adventure.
Thank you so much, Ann - it really was a true highlight and joy for me to have you on the podcast! So glad to connect with you, and thank you for following along!
It was great fun - and there has been lovely feedback since I cross-posted the interview on 31st December. (I had felt too self-conscious about my voice to share it earlier!) All best wishes to you and your family for a very Happy New Year.
Katie, thank you for sharing your discernment journey with us - I love hearing how projects begin, how they fit into life, and how they end, too! (Not many people seem to share much about that last bit.) Can't wait to see what comes next for you in your creative journey! I loved being a guest on your podcast and hope you continue to have all kinds of interesting conversations even if they take on a different form.
Thank you Kerri, I really appreciate that! I did want to honor the project and not let it just slip away but make a conscious decision and ending point. It was a discernment process for sure, really going back about 6 months now. I've learned so much from you in this area and our podcast chats is one of my favorites!
Thank you for all the beautiful and thoughtful things you've put into the world, Katie. I'm so glad you are here and doing what you do. I hope this is a year filled with more and less writing :)... Godspeed on the new and hidden work yet to be done!
Thank you Grace - and CONGRATULATIONS on your new book! When I saw I had to wait until September I was bereft, but I think this is the year of delayed gratification :)
Aw, your podcast will be so missed! It became a staple of my early morning walks during Covid and it has been such a beautiful blessing to follow your episodes throughout the years. I’m excited to see what’s in store for your work next, and paying attention to those little nudges is always the right thing!
Thank you Maddie! You've always been so encouraging and I truly appreciated it. I loved our Les Mis talk and hope perhaps our creative paths will cross again :)
I came to your podcast late, but I'm so grateful for it and very glad there's a whole backlist of episodes I still get to go through. Your vision of the humanizing power of art is a needed one. And it's also inspiring to hear a bit about how you pursued this passion even in the midst of raising little ones. I'm looking forward to following your creative endeavors in the future.
I will miss listening to your podcast! My then one year old son would always ask to listen to “Katie Market.” You were frequently a beautiful part of our days together.
Thank you for your podcast! It is what led me here to Substack, and also caused me to look at the world with more wonder. I'm excited to see what your future endeavors hold for you. Cheers!! 🥂
My first reaction to this news was true disappointment - your show has brought me so much inspiration and led me to so many new interests throughout the last three years, and has been a real delight all around as I've been working to notice and cultivate beauty in my own life. I'm sure I'll be revisiting many episodes, especially on Jo March, Audrey Hepburn, stargazing, and faeries. :)
Thank you for all the work you've put into the project! I'm looking forward to following along with future creative endeavors...glad, also, for the freedom to create without having to share publicly. Many blessings ~ Emma
Thank you Emma! It was a decision not come to lightly, but it's time turn a page. I did just finish a wonderful book (Far From the Madding Crowd) and immediately I had the thought of how I would write/and or podcast about and then thought... maybe... don't! Or at least wait :) It's a retraining of my brain here into quieter thoughts. Thank you so much for your encouragement and following along - those episodes you listed are some of my favorites as well!
Thank you so much Katie for all of these inspiring podcasts. I'll miss them but look forward to what's percolating . I think you tapped into a stream that was hidden but bubbling up and so in need of expression and with a youthful perspective.
I hope we can meet again on some adventure or pilgrimage.
Thank you Chris! I hope that that as well. We have your beautiful St. Cecilia drawing displayed with our Christmas cards and and Jojo says it is her favorite of them all :) So glad to know you!
You're such a force for beauty in this world - thank you for all you do! And thank you for sharing your time with me...it was a real treat to get to chat with you, & a privilege to get to be even a small part of your podcast.
I'll still be holding out hope for Enya & her cat-filled castle! Wishing you peace & inspiration on the journey ahead.
Thank you Kristin! I almost feel like we're all a part of Puddglum's army, trodding around here on Substack and podcasts and hopefully, primarily in our real world communities and family. A force for beauty! Thank you for saying that. I hope I can live up to such praise! It was such a joy to have you on the podcast, hopefully we can connect again in the future.
What a lovely post for New Year's Eve! What truly wonderful things you've done with "Born of Wonder"! Cheers to all you've accomplished and to all that lies ahead!
Thank you Beth! I always really, really appreciate you following along and all your encouragement. I'm sorry we didn't get to an episode on Shakespeare... Maybe someday!
I am going to miss it! I become so attached to podcasts I become loyal too, and I am attached to Born of Wonder, and I am so lucky and grateful to have been able to meet you through it. You’ve done great work with the podcast, your technical skills and radio voice talent leave me in awe, but I know you’ll do more great things!
Gosh, what a lovely post Katie - thanks so much for exploring good art and good stories, and for being a generally wonderful, inspiring person. I really enjoyed working with you, and hope we will again one day. You are a very talented and perceptive interviewer as well as a fab writer, and I'd love to see some of your experiences making their way into a future book. Wishing you and your family all the very best for the next stage of your adventure.
Thank you so much, Ann - it really was a true highlight and joy for me to have you on the podcast! So glad to connect with you, and thank you for following along!
It was great fun - and there has been lovely feedback since I cross-posted the interview on 31st December. (I had felt too self-conscious about my voice to share it earlier!) All best wishes to you and your family for a very Happy New Year.
Katie, thank you for sharing your discernment journey with us - I love hearing how projects begin, how they fit into life, and how they end, too! (Not many people seem to share much about that last bit.) Can't wait to see what comes next for you in your creative journey! I loved being a guest on your podcast and hope you continue to have all kinds of interesting conversations even if they take on a different form.
Thank you Kerri, I really appreciate that! I did want to honor the project and not let it just slip away but make a conscious decision and ending point. It was a discernment process for sure, really going back about 6 months now. I've learned so much from you in this area and our podcast chats is one of my favorites!
Thank you for all the beautiful and thoughtful things you've put into the world, Katie. I'm so glad you are here and doing what you do. I hope this is a year filled with more and less writing :)... Godspeed on the new and hidden work yet to be done!
Thank you Grace - and CONGRATULATIONS on your new book! When I saw I had to wait until September I was bereft, but I think this is the year of delayed gratification :)
Haha! Thank you
Aw, your podcast will be so missed! It became a staple of my early morning walks during Covid and it has been such a beautiful blessing to follow your episodes throughout the years. I’m excited to see what’s in store for your work next, and paying attention to those little nudges is always the right thing!
Thank you Maddie! You've always been so encouraging and I truly appreciated it. I loved our Les Mis talk and hope perhaps our creative paths will cross again :)
Happy New Year, Katie! Thanks for all the great podcast episodes!
Thank you Penelope!
I came to your podcast late, but I'm so grateful for it and very glad there's a whole backlist of episodes I still get to go through. Your vision of the humanizing power of art is a needed one. And it's also inspiring to hear a bit about how you pursued this passion even in the midst of raising little ones. I'm looking forward to following your creative endeavors in the future.
Thank you so much Dominika! I hope you'll find plenty to explore in the archives, glad to have you here :)
I will miss listening to your podcast! My then one year old son would always ask to listen to “Katie Market.” You were frequently a beautiful part of our days together.
Oh I think I remember you emailing me about this! What an honor! :) Thank you so much for listening
Thank you for your podcast! It is what led me here to Substack, and also caused me to look at the world with more wonder. I'm excited to see what your future endeavors hold for you. Cheers!! 🥂
Thank you so much Lorissa! I'm glad you're here and I really appreciate you listening.
My first reaction to this news was true disappointment - your show has brought me so much inspiration and led me to so many new interests throughout the last three years, and has been a real delight all around as I've been working to notice and cultivate beauty in my own life. I'm sure I'll be revisiting many episodes, especially on Jo March, Audrey Hepburn, stargazing, and faeries. :)
Thank you for all the work you've put into the project! I'm looking forward to following along with future creative endeavors...glad, also, for the freedom to create without having to share publicly. Many blessings ~ Emma
Thank you Emma! It was a decision not come to lightly, but it's time turn a page. I did just finish a wonderful book (Far From the Madding Crowd) and immediately I had the thought of how I would write/and or podcast about and then thought... maybe... don't! Or at least wait :) It's a retraining of my brain here into quieter thoughts. Thank you so much for your encouragement and following along - those episodes you listed are some of my favorites as well!
Thank you so much Katie for all of these inspiring podcasts. I'll miss them but look forward to what's percolating . I think you tapped into a stream that was hidden but bubbling up and so in need of expression and with a youthful perspective.
I hope we can meet again on some adventure or pilgrimage.
The very best wishes to you and your family.
Thank you Chris! I hope that that as well. We have your beautiful St. Cecilia drawing displayed with our Christmas cards and and Jojo says it is her favorite of them all :) So glad to know you!
So glad Jo Jo likes it!
You're such a force for beauty in this world - thank you for all you do! And thank you for sharing your time with me...it was a real treat to get to chat with you, & a privilege to get to be even a small part of your podcast.
I'll still be holding out hope for Enya & her cat-filled castle! Wishing you peace & inspiration on the journey ahead.
Thank you Kristin! I almost feel like we're all a part of Puddglum's army, trodding around here on Substack and podcasts and hopefully, primarily in our real world communities and family. A force for beauty! Thank you for saying that. I hope I can live up to such praise! It was such a joy to have you on the podcast, hopefully we can connect again in the future.
What a lovely post for New Year's Eve! What truly wonderful things you've done with "Born of Wonder"! Cheers to all you've accomplished and to all that lies ahead!
Thank you Beth! I always really, really appreciate you following along and all your encouragement. I'm sorry we didn't get to an episode on Shakespeare... Maybe someday!
Godspeed, Katie
Sad to see you go! And thanks for the shout out! I can’t wait to have you on the podcast again soon!
Love what you're doing with your podcast Kelsie - can't wait to chat again!
I am going to miss it! I become so attached to podcasts I become loyal too, and I am attached to Born of Wonder, and I am so lucky and grateful to have been able to meet you through it. You’ve done great work with the podcast, your technical skills and radio voice talent leave me in awe, but I know you’ll do more great things!