Jun 29Liked by Katie Marquette

"Even a solo trip to the grocery store feels like I’m keeping a secret sometimes" okay, YES. I'll think to myself 'and I don't have just one kid, I have two!!' followed by 'i bet all these people think I'm a college kid still' even though I'm well past that period of time 🤣 aging is weird.

Also, I love that you got to visit VT! I worked in Woodstock at the elementary school my first year as a teacher and grew up not too far away from there. To be honest, it's considered a very uppity town, pretty touristy, but it does have charm.

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I feel the same way when I take only one of the kids to the store. I usually find some way to reference my other daughter to the cashier 🤣 I don't know why I feel the need for everyone to know!

I only got to spend about an hour in Woodstock. I was staying about an hour away from there. But what I saw was very cute! The bookstore I found was outside of town.

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1. I’m glad I’m not the only person who doesn’t like summer. I grew up in Northern New England (right next to Vermont!) and I loved it then, but now I live in the South and I don’t 😂

2. You know when you think something privately that you imagine nobody else on earth has ever thought and then you see it on the page? That’s what happened to me with your comment on people not knowing you’re a Mom when you’re without your kids. After I had my son, if I went to the dentist or the grocery store on my own, I’d look around and think to myself “they don’t know that I’m a mother.” It made me realize why shirts/sweaters with “Mama” on the front are so popular. Your identity underwent a fundamental change and you need people to know!

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Lots of thoughts here but I loved you saying that horses have taken you on all kinds of adventures throughout your life - love the idea that our interests/hobbies/passions lead us to all kinds of places where our eyes and hearts and minds are opened and nourished as an indirect consequence of whatever our “thing” is.

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This sounds so delightful! It’s a good reminder and can never be said enough. Glad you had time to relax and “be!” ❤️

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So many great thoughts in this, but I could viscerally feel this one: "I better hurry up and read three novels and write a book with this free time or else it would be wasted!" Such a funny and terrible dilemma! It does make me think that I have a lot of time not being utilized to it's fullest potential in my life. Not to pressure myself, or anyone, but to ask myself, what do I *really* want to do with this time? And then to just do it, instead of scrolling my phone.

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Because of your link, I watched an interview with that Olivia lady who was born via surrogacy. Wild and sad story. Will be interesting to see more and more stories of children born via surrogacy, sperm and egg donation, etc when they grow up.

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Vermont is such a beautiful state! So green this time of year. We just came back from a trip to Yellowstone with my one year old and it was so very beautiful. Traveling with kids is rewarding but tough!

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