Aug 9Liked by Katie Marquette

Team Jess 4eva! He was such a jerk at first but his character development over the course of the show is *chef's kiss*. Dean is a jealous, controlling jerkface who happens to be sweet and romantic sometimes, not unlike my high school boyfriend. Logan is just too smug and self-important. Wow, apparently I have feelings about this. Okay bye!

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Jess will always cause the 16 year old in me to swoon - I mean really, a literary bad boy who was SO CUTE??? You could not get more romantic. And I do think he changed and grew and honestly in some ways got a little *too good* for Rory. Or at least too bohemian. I think Rory was always a pretty traditional gal in many ways.

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Yes! After Jess grows up and writes his book, he is 100% too good for Rory. I think Logan is the guy she deserves, which isn’t saying much. I love GG and it will always be nostalgic for me, but Rory is really underwhelming as a character,

Especially after season 3.

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Team Jess!

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Aug 9Liked by Katie Marquette

i adore this post!! i get the same feeling about the start of the school year, even with no classes lined up either. maybe it's also because i work in education (substitute teacher) haha :') it's hitting extra fierce this year as i consider pursuing seminary or just taking theology classes for a certificate + finally take the plunge with getting a substack of my own going.

also, team dean. i stand by the fact that they assassinated his character just to make room for further love interests -- he was so smart and would read what she recommended in the beginning! they did him so dirty!!

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I think you're right Macey that early Dean is veeerryy different than later Dean and they totally had to villainize him in some way to move the plot forward!! There's definitely an alternate universe out there where he stayed true to his early sweet, smart self and he and Rory could have made a go of it.

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Aug 9Liked by Katie Marquette

Team Jess! I like the high school years of Rory, not so much the college years ☕️

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Ugh, yes, college Rory gets very angsty!! But also, I relate, because I was like that too xDD

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Loved this so much! (And I had to tell myself yesterday not to wish away August when I saw that some of the trees showed signs of fall arriving… I think living in New England in the fall during childhood has ruined me for all other seasons.)

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New England in the Fall IS pure magic!! Nothing better.

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Aug 9Liked by Katie Marquette

#1 certified Dean hater!!! I love Jess but know he is the worst. I’m still mad at him for jilting Rory before prom. Does that make me team no-one?

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Team no one! Haha. I can't get on the team-Jess bandwagon as hard as I have tried! He's just so rude in the beginning I can't get past it.

Anyways, just here to say I did read the whole post and enjoyed it thoroughly. Good bye depressing statistics!

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(Maybe I'm team Marty?)

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Wow Marty!! I always forget about him. He was sweet initially but the whole ghosting Rory once he got a girlfriend issue was just so strange, I never understood that.

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Aug 9Liked by Katie Marquette

Yes, new school year energy!!! I'm not sure of all my plans for the upcoming greatest time of year (October how I love thee) yet, aside from the fact that I'm figuring out how best to rearrange my writing and work schedule to leave Sundays as free as possible for family!

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Aug 12Liked by Katie Marquette

Katie - I just sent your post to my three adult daughters! I think if you knew them, you would be kindred spirits!! Do you by any chance live in Baton Rouge, St. Paul, MN, or Charlotte, NC? 😊 I thoroughly enjoy what you write!!

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Aw this is so sweet Karen! I would love to meet other kindred spirits! Alas, I am not any of those areas, but tell them to look me up if they're ever in Maryland :)

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Aug 11Liked by Katie Marquette

Loove this. I never buy magazines but found one on everything Gilmore Girls and a quiz at the end and it was sad how many I got right.

There’s a list of quotes that I love and I love guessing who said them although most of them are kind of obvious.

“Reality has no place in our world.”

Who said it???

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I will always be a sucker for a good magazine quiz. That quote has got to be a Lorelai!

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I'm so glad I took the time to read this. Rory Gilmore, You've Got Mail, Madeleine L’Engle, and "New School Year" all in one post?! I feel like you might be a kindred spirit.

I'm sad to see summer ending but I've spent hours planning for our upcoming homeschool year and although it's overwhelming, I'm giddy with New School Year energy. It's ok that that energy might not last past September. I think it still matters! And I love the suggestion for people not starting school to buy some supplies and start fresh.

I have watched Gilmore Girls almost every pregnancy in 3rd trimester because like you say, its "flawed and funny and safe."

I'll share my New School Year plans: homeschool my 3 oldest, keep writing everyday, post on Substack weekly, help my husband build our house (cook lots of food and keep the coffee going), and enjoy my newest baby because they grow so darn fast.

Team Jess.

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Sounds like you have great New School Year Plans Catherine!! Especially keep the coffee going :) That's my plan, too. And a very Gilmore Girls-like one too!!

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Aug 10Liked by Katie Marquette

Unpopular opinion:I don't think they gave Tristan a fair chance. There was some real life chemistry between him and Alexis, I think! I also liked the chemistry with Dean but I agree with what someone else said about assassinating his character. He totally could have developed more and gotten more into reading and such.

I'm definitely going to consider going back to paid membership. I love your writing and thoughts. Just had my second baby in February so it's been a little hectic over here and I haven't been making much time for substack but I love how much I've grown into a better person through motherhood. Also, I just joined FB after not being on since 2011 because I wanted to be in groups and so far it's been good! I have nothing on my profile and I have a daily 25 min. timer . But I'm becoming more aware of how the interface is set up to suck me in so I try not to even start to scroll if I can help it. Who knows, I'll probably delete eventually but it's working for now!

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Tristan! I nearly forgot about him. You're right Katie. I think he could have been sort of like Landan in A Walk to Remember (everyone remember that!?) - the bad boy with a big heart. I think he was drawn to Rory because she was so 'good' and he wanted to be good too deep down. There were some sweet possibilities there!

I hope you've been settling well into Mom of 2 life - it's an adjustment! Or at least it was for me! I love that you've found some balance with FB. I do consider having an FB page for our farm at least to connect for hay, local events, etc, so it's nice to know that you've found ways to put some healthy limits in there.

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Aug 9Liked by Katie Marquette

I'm team Dean, although I used to be team Jess when I was young and watching it fresh. I'd take both of them over Logan though who I thought was the worst! Love love loved Gilmore Girls!

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I weirdly have a soft spot for Logan - mostly because I think he has the most actual growth and I think he genuinely loved Rory. I *cannot* handle Dean, but I also agree with other commenters that they pretty purposefully ruined his character. (the married affair.. I just will never get over it!)

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Aug 9Liked by Katie Marquette

I’m immersed in reading Joan Didion’s books and watching YouTube interviews of her. I plan to read all her books.

I also plan to read all of Flannery O’Connor’s books.

I have a notebook where I’ve written down my favorite authors and their books. Some other authors are Ernest Hemingway, Lenora Mattingly Weber, J R R Tolkien, Agatha Christie, and Madeleine L’Engle.

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I love, love Joan Didion! (and basically all the authors you mention here!) You have a great 'New School Year' reading list going.

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Aug 9Liked by Katie Marquette

I love new school year energy! Here in NJ, the drone of the cicadas in August is my sign that fall is right around the corner and my cue to start feeling excited about the new beginnings that used to come with the start of every new school year. As for Gilmore Girls, I just finished re-watching the whole series and somehow I'm now Team Logan.

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Honestly I come out somewhere between Team Logan and Team Jess. I think Logan had the most real possibility for an adult relationship - they shared a background, he was wicked smart, and he had serious character growth throughout their relationship. I also think he really, genuinely loved Rory and would support her work/ambitions etc. But the 'marriage proposal right now or we're over' ultimatum on graduation day was extreme!

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« We recently discovered a sheet of paper where we had listed about 20-30 You’ve Got Mail quotes to put on various merch for a pop up shop or Etsy Store - maybe that will be our next income stream xD Huge, right!! » if you ever do this, I’m definitely buying some of those!! 😅

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Good to know Jaqueline! Maybe check back in around Christmas if I'm really motivated xDD

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