May 22Liked by Katie Marquette

“I get social media hangovers and want to become a hermit in the woods. I have that frantic compulsion in me and I need to keep it in check”. 🙋🏻‍♀️ Saaaaaame… The battle, am I right? 🙃😊

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Oh this is really lovely! It is the best part of the internet to meet the people we know online in real life.

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May 25Liked by Katie Marquette

“I have a new measure for whether or not something I do online, or in podcasting, is worth my time. The question I ask is: What is the real world result?”

Katie this is so good! What a wonderful question for discernment around all this screen life. I’m definitely borrowing this.

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This was so good. As a 'newbie' to this whole putting my writing out there, this resonates deeply. May your trip be incredible!

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Thank you so much Ashley!

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The last few months the struggle has been so real. Being so busy thinking about connecting online (I rue the day my sister said I NEEDED a blog if I was a novelist ;)), for so many years, but it occurred to me last weekend that the people in my real world were important too. Crazy that I'd gotten so dismissive of them. My sister came by, and we did archery and rode the old man horse. She got to see the irises in bloom in real time (not in a curated photo). Instead of thinking would I enjoy the flowers if I didn't post them, I think your question is far better. How does this enhance real life? Great idea to ponder.

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