I've been thinking a lot about the idea of wonder as it relates to faith and life and creativity a lot recently as well! Particularly (and very relevant to your recent posts about leaving social media) how social media has kind of taken the wonder out of a lot of things for me. Constantly getting bombarded with information can make it really hard to be in awe of the new things we discover, if we feel like there are even new things at all anymore! So... yeah, it's an important idea to contemplate and I'm just looking forward to reading more from you!

-Sincerely, one of those new readers who found you from your leaving Instagram post :)

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Another one finding your Substack having read your post on social media here! Ironically, reflexively, I then immediately clicked through to find you on insta! I am, too, thinking deeply about this (and have also gone back and forth in recent years). Beautiful words in your essay. 🙏🏻

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Katie Marquette

“The things that ‘convinced’ me of the value of life, of the purpose of existence, the inherent beauty of being alive… Ultimately of the existence of God - were not “concepts” but “wonder.”” - THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL

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You inspired me to delete my social media apps myself -- working on deleting it for good, eventually.

I love that quote from St Gregory the Great: I had never heard it before! Thank you for sharing. It’s helped me look at the world more through my toddler’s eyes, and less through my phone screen.

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